Sunday, May 18, 2008
i know i'm one week late but hey, there's a valid reason =O
I'm just too busy and lazy
anyhow, we celebrated at hollandv's ORIGINAL SIN
its an italian vegetarian restaurant, i think. small but cosy =D
Dad and Mom
Checkin' out the bill ($180) =O
now here's something rare, me and my dad together in the same picture
my brother
the food was super ass nice =D
we ordered around 5 main dishes and 2 desserts
pity i scalded my tongue with the risotto due to my greediness =(
my mom: who ask you so greedy put so much MEESOTO in your mouth!
oh! the lemon meringue we ordered for dessert?
seriously, i could eat a million of those and still eat another million more =D
of course i'll have to be able to afford to buy a million of their lemon meringue in the first place
anyhow, i'll be looking forward to posting the next entry >=)
so until then i guess!
i know i'm one week late but hey, there's a valid reason =O
I'm just too busy and lazy
anyhow, we celebrated at hollandv's ORIGINAL SIN
the food was super ass nice =D
we ordered around 5 main dishes and 2 desserts
pity i scalded my tongue with the risotto due to my greediness =(
my mom: who ask you so greedy put so much MEESOTO in your mouth!
oh! the lemon meringue we ordered for dessert?
seriously, i could eat a million of those and still eat another million more =D
of course i'll have to be able to afford to buy a million of their lemon meringue in the first place
anyhow, i'll be looking forward to posting the next entry >=)
so until then i guess!